Video Series

Dr Federici’s 10 Session Series on
Raising Challenging Children

Video Series

Dr Federici’s 10 Session Series on Raising Challenging Children

Dr Federici speaks to the challenges of raising young people successfully out of orphanages and the special challenges and successful strategies for growing them to adulthood.

This 10 video series on Vimeo is available for pay-per-view download. Watch them individually at the links below or view the entire series at a discount on Vimeo


First of ten Volumes Introductory Overview In this introductory overview of complex trauma, Dr Federici eloquently brings simplicity to the understanding of children from every end of the trauma spectrum. Federici gives insight on how to create an intervention program with simplicity and accuracy. Thi interview between these two professionals explores and sheds light on how developmental issues are the root of the problem underlying a child’s negative behaviors.


Explore the differences between attachment disorder and developmental disabilities. In this segment, Dr Federici explains how a child’s developmental can be altered through traumatic experiences leading to an alteration in the brain that can manifest into psychological regulatory, social, and learning problems. Trauma goes much deeper than attachment. This discussion will give you a thorough understanding of the entire developmental spectrum for our children.


In this interview, Dr Federici sheds light on the countless number of children who are being treated with multiple layers of inappropriate care due to multiple and inaccurate diagnoses. Trauma presents itself differently, requiring a closer look at the child’s anxiety and fear. This interview will give you abetter understanding of how a child’s world needs to be reconstructed with the family being the primary construct, whereby the family becomes the “medication”.


Dr Federici clearly explains how trauma induced mood disorders drive much of a child’s negative and acting-out behaviors. He gives insight as to how anxiety and depression, mood swings, compulsive behaviors, sleep difficulties, poor social skills, reactivity, and defiance all connect back to a child’s inability to regulate themselves. Solutions that center on a parent’s ability and the family’s ability to provide an end to the child’s fear cycle and discussed in this interview.


Children who are continually under stress during their early Yeats often accumulate layers and layers of emotional injury. Their post trauma behaviors are fear-based, chaotic and out of reality. In this interview, Dr Federici explains how and why parents professionals need to work at the level of the child’s development in order to create safety. Healing then happens through a step-by-step developmental process with families being the curative agent.


Trauma can have an impact on the brain, compromising a child’s focus, memory and ability to retain, retrieve, and organize information. It can negatively impact a child’s memory, speech, language, problem solving skills, and informational processing. In this series, Dr Federici discusses how to best educate children who may present with typical behavioral or learning issues but need to be addressed from a trauma perspective in order to reach their full learning potential.


Trauma does not just go away and when many children reach their teenage years, a resurgence of their early traumatic experiences unfolds. Dr Federici gives insight in this interview discussion of how many teenagers reprocess the anger and aggression that was left dormant, resulting in an intensity of acting out behaviors (drug use, defiance, dramatic reactivity, and sexual promiscuity). This interview gives you a deeper understanding of how to help teens during these difficult years.


Medication Madness -There is no magic pill to resolve trauma for anyone, especially for our children. Dr Federici explains why simply medicating symptoms is ineffective and how we have not only medicated our children to toxic levels but how we have endangered them with toxic combinations of medicine cations. Learn more about how medications can be used at conservative levels in order to help bring children back to being functional in a family to foster greater levels of healing.


Children belong in families because families are the curative factor. Dr Federici explains that for children from traumatic backgrounds, families become the definitive and key element; the family is the treatment for the child. He discusses how a family intervention program, with a holistic and reality-based approach, can be used to reconstruct traumatized children and reintegrate them back into the family system successfully.


When children reach the laster teenage years, many times they are not emotionally or developmentally ready for the challenges of independence. In this discussion Dr Federici explains the legal and financial options families have in order to stage their children through a slower and more gradual approach into adulthood. This volume sheds light on how to create the balance children with trauma histories need, without overwhelming them, to move them forward successfully!

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Willow Springs Farm
Clifton, VA 20124

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Care For Children International, Inc.,
under the Directorship of Board Certified Dr. Ronald Federici, maintains an international reputation with psychologist services and treatment of the most complicated neuropsychological, developmental and brain traumatic disorders.