In this DVD series, Heather T. Forbes, LCSW interviews world-renowned developmental neuropsychologist, Dr. Ronald S. Federici to explore the complex issues surrounding children from traumatic and chaotic backgrounds. Through each interview, Forbes and Federici work to explore every angle from the parent to the professional to the child perspective in order to fully understand the sues families face under the complexity of raising trauma.
Volume 1 – Introductory Overview
In this introductory overawe of complex trauma, Dr. Federici eloquently brings simplicity to the understanding of children from every end of the trauma spectrum. Federici gives insight on how to create an intervention program with simplicity and accuracy. This interview between these two professionals explores and shed light on how developmental issues are the root of the problem underlying a child’s negative behavoirs.
Executive Directors
Dr. Ronald S. Federici
Heather T. Forbes, LCSW
Video Production
RT Editing, Inc.
Katrina Miller
Robin Truesdale
Editor Graphics
Robin Truesdale
For more information:
Dr. Ronald Federici