Guiding Families Toward Healing and Growth
Clinic Staff
General Information
Dr. Ronald Federici, Psy. D. is regarded as the country’s expert in the neuropsychological evaluation and treatment of children having multi-sensory neurodevelopmental impairments. He has staffed his clinic with professionals equally qualified and as compassionate.

Dr. Ronald S. Federici, Psy. D.
Clinic Director/Supervisor Neuropsychological & Family Therapy Associates
- Developmental Neuropsychologist (Specialty in Pediatrics/ Adolescents)
- President/CEO, Care for Children International, Inc.
- Diplomate-American Board of Professional Neuropsychology (ABN)
- Diplomate-American Board of Medical Psychotherapists (ABMP)
- Diplomate-Fellow in Advanced Psychopharmacology (FICPP)
- Diplomate-American Board of Disability Analysts (ABDA)
- Fellow-American College of Professional Neuropsychology
- Diplomate – American Academy of Behavioral Medicine
Dr. Ronald Federici is regarded as the country’s expert in the neuropsychological evaluation and treatment of children having multi-sensory neurodevelopmental impairments, particularly children who have been adopted, both domestically and internationally. Dr. Federici is called upon to evaluate and treat the most complex cases (typically “second opinion and end of the road cases”) and has an international following. Additionally, Dr. Federici lectures and trains nationally and internationally, and is an accomplished author of his principle book entitled “Help for the Hopeless Child: A Guide for Families (With Special Discussion for Assessing and Treating the Post-Institutionalized Child), Second Edition”, in addition to multiple professional publications. Dr. Federici has worked abroad in institutional settings for over a decade, and leads a team of international adoption medicine experts with goals in comprehensive evaluation and de-institutionalization programs. Dr. Federici provides training, educational work shops and supervision in the areas of severe developmental disorders and raising the post-institutionalized child. He has appeared on multiple television shows, and has been the focus of numerous publications regarding complex children with severe developmental and emotional disorders.
Dr Federici newest book : The Family Intervention Program, is a comprehensive assessment and family intervention program that has been widely acclaimed to work with the most complex, out-of-control and challenging children. The innovative ” Family Intensive Training” is all ” in-home based”, and is taught to families following comprehensive neuropsychological evaluations.

Nadya M. Molina, M.Ed.
Neuropsychological & Family Therapy Associates
Nadya Molina has served as a Professional Consultant to Neuropsychological and Family Therapy Associates for many years, and has lectured and trained many groups with Dr. Federici both Nationally and Internationally. She has expertise in working with Post Institutionalized children of all ages who require a “Functional Behavior Assessment”; Applied Behavioral Analysis; Verbal Behavior Therapy and implementing safe and comprehensive “Family Intervention Programs”. Nadya is regarded as the country’s expert in providing “de-institutionalization and family preservation training” for families having very troubled and out of control post-institutionalized children. Nadya is the Director of Alternative Behaviors in Northern Virginia, which provides “in-home’ interventions for all categories of developmentally challenged children. Masters of Special Education in Severe and Profound Disabilities, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland; Bachelor of Elementary Education in Special Education (Mental Retardation), University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras, Puerto Rico; Commonwealth of Virginia, Postgraduate Professional License, Emotional Disturbance K-12, Specific Learning Disabilities K-12, Elementary Education PREK-6, Mental Retardation K-12, Severe Disabilities K-12; Maryland State Department of Education Certificates, Advanced Generic Special Education grades 1-8; and Severe and Profound Handicaps; Behavior Specialist, Fairfax County Public Schools; Inclusive Schools Facilitator, Fairfax County Public Schools; Teacher since 1990, working with the following populations: autism spectrum disorders, emotional disabilities, gifted and talented, learning disabilities, mental retardation, and severe-profound disabilities; Volunteer Work, 1987-1990, working with all students, from the preschool program to the senior department in a self-contained special education school; The ARC-Riggs Bank N.A. Educational Leadership Award, June 7, 2001.
Dr. Larissa Malts
Multi-Lingual Russian-American Trained Clinical Child psychologist
Dr. Larissa Malts is a Multi-Lingual Russian-American Trained Clinical Child psychologist who has worked with some of the most challenging child-family cases in both eastern European Orphanages and here in the USA. Dr. Malts has extensive training and clinical experience in the damaging effects of institutional care; violent and uncontrollable behaviors as the result of trauma and deprivation, and conducts ” Dual Language Assessment ” in Russian, Ukrainian and Latvian Languages ( and dialects).
AutismOutreach.Org is a multi-disciplined group of Board Certified Behavioral Analysts who work extensively with families who have children ” on the Autism Spectrum”; or have mild-to-severe behavioral problems ranging from enuresis, encopresis, language delays, sensory issues and Post-Institutional Trauma ( and Traumatic Autism as the result of deprivation and abuse). The expert staff conduct ” In-Home evaluations and Interventions, and liason with school officials to set up the most appropriate Individual Educational Programs for special needs children, especially autistic spectrum and post-institutional cases.

National Expert – Family Therapy
Dr. Michelle Alden-Williams is a National Expert in Family therapy for those having children from adoption-trauma backgrounds. Dr. Alden works across the country with ”Intensive In-Home Crisis and Behavioral Management”, and intensive Family Training for the most complex children. Her goal is to provide a safe, secure and more structured and intensive family structure to help overcome past traumas and failures where more ” traditional ” talk therapies have been ineffective. Dr. Alden is an Instructor in ” Handle With Care Behavior and Violence Management”, and Martial Arts Expert. Her Healthy Foundations Family Program®–a 90-day intensive coaching program–is available to any parent in the US following s Comprehensive Neuropsychological Evaluation in order to move in the right direction. Michelle has extensive experience with children suffering from Fetal Alcohol/Drug exposure; abuse; foster care; family dysfunction and failures in past treatment. Learn about our online parenting class.

Connie Going
Family Blooms Owner and Director of Visibility
Connie Going Ms. Connie Going, National Adoption Advocate , Founder of The Adoption Advocacy Center and Adoptive Mom is dedicated to making a difference in the world. With over 25 years in Child Welfare and Adoption, Ms. Going has completed over 1000 adoptions.
Connie assists families all across the country in obtaining the most financial assistance available; to include state and federal grants should a child need special placement in schools or residential facilities. Connie has adopted 5 children with several special needs and understands the financial burden placed on most families adopting complex children.

Michelle Carney
Director of Autism Outreach
Michelle Carney, Director of Autism Outreach and staff provide intensive IN-Home and outpatient treatment for children with Autism and all Neurodeveoplmental disabilities. Autism Outreach has a special interest in working with families of adopted children having a variety of trauma, behavioral, learning, autistic and educational issues.

Inna Pecar, M.S.W.
Founder & Director
Inna Pecar is the Founder and Director of KidsFirst, a small, multicultural adoption agency that puts a lot of time and heart in educating and advocating for children and families. With us, it is not just about placement but also learning about the unique needs, backgrounds, and personalities of each child andpurposefully matching them with adoptive families based on their hopes, abilities, environments, and preparedness. It is important to us that when families are matched, it feels right on both sides!
We place children from birth to school age through domestic adoption.
We also advocate for children and adoptive families through our international adoption route in Bulgaria, Ukraine, Poland, and the Dominican Republic.
KidsFirst always welcomes calls from families who are trying to figure out their best route. Our style is honestyand transparency. We believe families need to be fully educated on the unique needs of children from variousbackgrounds and medical conditions so they can makewell-informed decisions regarding what they can and cannot take on.
We have devotion, honesty, commitment, and over 21 years of experience to guide families towards their hopes.