Dr. Ronald Federici, Psy. D.
Media Mentions & Talks
Dr. Ronald Federici lectures nationally and internationally on matters pertaining to Developmental Neuropsychology and severe neuropsychiatric and traumatic brain injuries/neurological disorders of adults and children, particularly children from post-institutionalized settings. He is regarded as the country’s expert in neuropsychiatric evaluations of internationally adopted children, particularly children from Eastern Europe. He has a special interest in Romanian and Russian orphans, and has evaluated well over 2,000 Eastern European adoptees, in addition to thousands of children still residing in their respective countries. He has appeared on numerous national television and radio shows such as Dateline, 20/20, Turning Point, Night Line, Good Morning America, British Broadcasting Corporation, as well as publishing in magazines and newspapers around the world regarding the institutional crises in various countries, particularly Eastern Europe. Dr. Federici has offered dozens of presentations and trainings and served as a Keynote speaker on 22 occasions.
Ronald Federici has also served as a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Section on Child Human Rights and International Adoptions (Senators Jessie Helms, Mary Landrieu and Roy Blunt). He continues to consult for the US department of State, Bureau of Children’s Affairs, and serves as a liaison with both Russian and Romanian departments of child welfare. He has also consulted with the Human Rights watch and the European Union for Eastern European child welfare issues.
Dr. Federici speaks several languages including: Italian, German, Russian and Romanian with adequate fluency in French, Spanish and Ukrainian.
Talks and interviews
- NPR Law: Russion Case Spotlights Potential Adoption Risks
- The Atlantic: 30 Years Ago, Romania Deprived Thousands of Babies of Human Contact. Here’s what’s become of them.
- The Washington Post: Global Focus: Talk About Romanian Orphans
- BBC: Taming the Problem Child
- The Washingtonian: “Please Take Me: A Virginia Doctor has given hope to children trapped in a dismal orphanage in Romania”
- Inside Dateline: Fighting for Dane
- Saving Dane, Saving a Family originally appeared on NBC Dateline in 2003.
- Films Media Group: Taming the Problem Child.pod
- WLIW21 New York Public Media: Religion & Ethics Newsweekly: Adoption Ethics
- Attachment Theory in Action: Clinical Podcast with Karen Doyl Buckwalter. “Dr. Ronald Federici on Adoption, Trauma, and Attachment – Part One.”
- Attachment Theory in Action: Clinical Podcast with Karen Doyl Buckwalter. “Dr. Ronald Federici on Adoption, Trauma, and Attachment – Part Two.”
- 2010-present: Twenty (20 ) Grand Rounds, Nationally/ Internationally on Adoption-Trauma-Neuropsychological Assessments of abused, and developmentally challenged children
- 2009-2010: Twenty five (25) International Lectures/Trainings in Clinical Neuropsychology, Neurodevelopmental Disabilities, Traumatic Brain Injury and Severe, Complex Trauma Disorders.
- 2010/2011: CNN, ABC News, PBS, NBC News : Complexities of International Adoptions
- 2007-2009: Pediatric and Neurology Grand Rounds/Staff Trainings ( across US and Abroad) “Diagnostic Neuropsychological Evaluations and Innovative Treatment for the Post-Institutionalized Child: ( Stanford, University of Minnesota, Cleveland Clinic, University of Florida, Texas, San Diego)
- February/May, 2008; International Adoption Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana
- November, 2007; Raising Difficult Internationally Adopted Children: From Assessment to Recovery
- November, 2007: Differential Diagnosis of Neuropsychiatric Syndromes vs ADHD
- May, 2007; Comprehensive Evaluation and Innovative Treatment of damaged Internationally Adopted Children
- January, 2007: Innovative Family Therapy For Post Institutionalized Children
- October, 2006: Comprehensive Evaluation of Traumatized Children From Eastern Europe
- December, 2005: Understanding The Complexities of the Post Institutionalized Child
- January, 2005: Intensive Family Treatment For Post-Institutionalized Children (Iceland Conference)
- June, 2004: Evaluation and Treatment of Traumatized Children: From Assessment to Recovery
- March 2002: Deinstitutionalization of the Traumatized Child From Eastern Europe
- January 2001: Assessment of Autism and Cognitive Damage. Bejing, China, Department of Child Welfare
- May 1999: Presentation in Stockholm, Sweden: International Conference on Children in Institutions
- Multiple National conferences on Post-Institutionalized Children in 1999
- CNN News: The Internationally Adopted Child (October 1998)
- ABC News 20/20: Russian International Adoptions (September 1998)
- The Neuropsychology of the Internationally Adopted Child Bellingham, Washington (August 1998)
- Assessment and Treatment of the Internationally Adopted Child, Miami, Florida (June 1998)
- State of New Hampshire Presentation: Assessing and Treating the Internationally Adopted Child (June 1998)
- ABC News-Good Morning America: Commentary on Reactive Attachment Disorder (September 1997)
- ABC News-Dateline: Bonding and Attachment Disorders in Post-Institutionalized Children. (August 1997)
- NBC News: The effects of the death of a parent on children.
- ABC Nightline, July 1997, Expert in Developmental Neuropsychology of Post-Institutionalized Children
- Assessing and Treating the Severely Disturbed and Special Needs Child;
- Department of the Army presentations (May, June, July 1997)
- Assessment and Treatment of Higher-Functioning Autistic Disorders (Northern Virginia Autism Society) May 1997
- The Neuropsychology of Bonding and Attachment Disorders, Winchester Community Services, April 1997
- Clinical Psychopharmacology; Severe Behavioral Disorders and Depressive Disorders of Childhood. Presentations: Ft. Belvoir, Virginia March, April, May 1997
- The Neuropsychology of Bonding and Attachment Disorders: Itasca, Illinois, February 1997, in conjunction with the Parent Network for Post-Institutionalized Children (PNPIC)
- Keynote Speaker-American Academy of Pediatrics; Military Physicians, San Antonio Texas, March 1997: Complexities of ADHD Diagnosis and Psychopharmacology
- Interview and Broadcast-ABC News: Turning Point, January 1997
- Keynote Speaker-Medical College of Virginia, September 1996: Neuropsychology of Bonding, Attachment and Deprivation Disorders
- Behavioral Assessment and Treatment of Children with Special Needs and Medical Disabilities: Ft. Belvoir, Virginia, February and March 1997
- Voice of America International Network – Main Presentor: Effects of Institutionalization in Eastern Bloc Adopted Children, June 21, 1996
- Keynote Speaker: Rock Island Arsenal, Illinois “Complexities in ADHD Diagnosis”
- Keynote Speaker: Conference at Case Western University, Cleveland, Ohio “Neuropsychological Deficit Patterns/Neuropsychological Attachment Disorders in Children from Post-Institutionalized Settings”
- Presentations – Ft. Belvoir, VA: Learning disabilities, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, children with autism and mental retardation (July, August, September, October 1996)
- Presentation – Ft. Belvoir, VA: Assessment and Management of the Severely Oppositional Child, June 19, 1996
- Presentor in Developmental Neuropsychology – pending national broadcast on Turning Point (scheduled to appear June 1996)
- Presentor in Developmental Psychology, Fairfax County Cooperative Preschool Program, April 1996.
- Keynote Speaker, Georgetown University Medical Center Conference, Washington, D.C., March 2, 1996, “Neuropsychology of Attachment Disorders in Post-Institutionalized Children”.
- Keynote Speaker, D.C. Bar Association, Annual Conference, Washington, D.C., March 1996, “Assessment of Competency via Neuropsychological Testing”.
- Keynote Speaker, National Conference on Eastern-European Adoptions, Detroit, Michigan, February 1996 “Neuropsychological Deficit Patterns in Post-Institutionalized Children”.
- Assessing and Treating Difficult Children in the Classroom, Prince William County Public Schools, January 1996
- Keeping Children Drug Free, Presentation, Fairfax County Public Schools, January 1996
- The Impact of Computer Technology on Child Development, Prince William County, Cable Channel Television, Live Broadcast, December 1995
- Assessing and Treating Childhood Depressive Disorders, Prince William County Family Outreach Center, November 1995 Military Stress Syndromes in Families, Presentor, Ft. Belvoir, Virginia, November 1995.
- Understanding Adolescent Sexual Identity Disorders – Live television show (Oprah Winfrey), October 1995
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder/Abuse Syndromes, Presentor, Ft. Belvoir, Virginia, October 1995
- Innovative Play Therapy for Severely Disturbed Children – Presentor, Ft. Belvoir, August and September 1995
- Differential Diagnosis of Learning Disabilities and Developmental Disorder, Presentor, Ft. Belvoir, June and July 1995
- Differentiation of Childhood Depressive Disorders versus Conduct Disorders, Presentor, Ft. Belvoir, May 1995
- Neurodevelopmental Disorders in Post-Institutionalized Children – Keynote Presenter, National Institute of Health, Bethesda, Maryland (April 1995)
- Common and Uncommon School Problems, Saunders Middle School (March 1995)
- Complex ADHD Diagnosis and Treatment, Ft. Belvoir, Virginia (March 1995)
- Differential Diagnosis and Complex ADHD and LD Children, Prince William County Public Schools (March 1995)
- Developmental Disorders of Childhood – Presentation, Marine Corps Base, Quantico, Virginia (February 1995)
- Adolescent Identity Issues in Adoptees – Conference Presenter, Fairfax County, Department of Human Development (November 1994)
- Comprehensive Diagnosis and Treatment of Attention Deficit Hyper-activity Disorders – Presentation, Prince William County Public Schools (October 1994)
- Developing Self-Esteem in Children through Family Therapy – Presentation, Ft. Belvoir, Virginia (September 1994)
- Complex Diagnostic Problems in the School Setting – Presentation, Prince William County Public Schools (August 1994)
- Differential Diagnosis in Children’s Learning Disabilities and Attentional Disorders – Presentation, Ft. Belvoir, Virginia (July 1994)
- Treatment of Conduct and Oppositional Disorders – Presentation, Ft. Belvoir, Virginia (June 1994)
- Managing Children’s Behavioral Disorders – Presentation, Ft. Belvoir, Virginia (May 1994)
- Anger: Growing Up Scared – Presentation, Northern Virginia Youth Coalition (April 1994)
- Enhancing Family Communication Skills – Family Service Center, Ft. Belvoir (April 1994)
- T.V., Violence and Youth – Fairfax Cable Channel 10 (February 1994)
- Sexual Identity in Adolescence – Maury Povich Show, New York (January 1994)
Aggression and Violence and its Correlation with the Media (presentation Prince William County Youth Coalition, November 1993) - Understanding Community Violence (Presentation, Ft. Belvoir, June 1993)
- Community Violence and Aggression (Presentation, Prince William County Youth Services Coalition, May 1993)
- Differential Diagnosis of Childhood Disruptive Disorders (Presentation, Mt. Vernon Hospital, April 1993)
- Violent and Aggressive Children (Presentation, Fairfax County School Guidance Counselors, March 1993)
- Understanding Children’s Learning Disabilities (Presentation, Ft. Belvoir, Virginia, February 1993)
- Developmental and Bonding/Attachment Problems in Childhood (Virginia Cable Channel Television Talk Show -February, 1993)
- Forensic Evaluations for Childhood Sexual Abuse (Presentation Bethesda Naval Hospital, January 1993)
- Attention Deficit Disorders and Behavioral Manifestations in the Schools (Presentation Prince William County Teachers, January 1993)
- Violence in the Schools, Virginia Cable Channel Television Talk Show (December 1992)
- Parenting the Oppositional Child, Fort Belvoir, Department of Social Services Conference (June 1992)
- Childhood and Adolescent Depression, Fort Belvoir, Department of Social Services Conference (July 1992)
- Crisis Intervention for Violence in Schools and Community (Northern Virginia Youth Coalition – Annual Conference, 1992)
- Parenting the Oppositional Child (Fort Belvoir, Virginia, 1992)
- Common and Uncommon Family Problems. Keynote Address. (Lake Ridge Middle School, Woodbridge, Virginia, 1992)
- Management of Aggression and Violence in Families (Lake Ridge Middle School, Woodbridge, Virginia, 1992)
- Childhood Development and Related Disorders of Attachment: Bonding and Foster Care Placements (Court Appointed Special Advocate – CASA. 1989 – 1992; Biannual presentation)
- Understanding Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders (ADHD Support Groups, Woodbridge and Fairfax, 1990 – Present)
- Common and Uncommon Problems. (Keynote Address, Lake Ridge Middle School, Woodbridge, Virginia – 1990)
- Neuropsychology of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders (Fort Belvoir, Department of Pediatrics and Family Practice – 1990).
- Pediatric Neuropsychology: Learning and Emotional Disorders Assessed via Neurocognitive Interpretation (Laurel Oaks Hospital, Orlando, Florida, February 1987)
- Forensic Neuropsychology and Diagnostic Support to Child Protective Services (Fairfax, Virginia – 1989, 1990)
- Forensic Evaluations of the Sexually Abused Child (Fort Belvoir, Virginia – 1990)
- Assessment of Childhood Depression and Stress (Psychiatric Institute of Washington, D.C. – 1990)
- Assessing and Treating the Chronic Substance Abusing Teen (STRAIGHT Program – Fairfax, Virginia – 1990)
- Youth At Risk: Attachment and Bonding in Severely Disturbed Children (Keynote Address – Northern Virginia Youth Coalition -1989)
- Focus on Youth: Attachment and Bonding (Channel 10 Cable T.V. – 1989)
- Psychological Review of a Completed Teen Suicide (Fairfax County, Department of Social Services – 1990)
- National Hospital for Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation, Arlington, Virginia. “Neuropsychological Assessment of Competency” (1987)
Dr. Federici has published various articles in addition to his book entitled “Help for the Hopeless Child: A Guide for Families (With Special Discussion for Assessing and Treating the Post-Institutionalized Child)”. He has developed the concepts of “Institutional Autism: An Acquired Syndrome” in addition to researching extensively the “Neuropsychology of Bonding and Attachment Disorders”. His second book entitled “Escape From Despair: Through the Eyes of the Child” is in press.
Published Books
- Help for the Hopeless Child: A Guide for Families (with Special Discussion for Assessment and Treatment of the Post-Institutionalized Child), October 1998;
- Second Edition, 2003
- Hoksbergen, Federici, et al, Post Institutional Autism and PTSD in Romanian Adoptees (multiple articles in Netherlands). Journal of Autism and developmental Disorders. October 2005-2006, Vol. 35
- Institutional Autism: An Acquired Syndrome, The POST, May 1997
- Johnson, Federici, Mason, Hines. Psychosocial Growth Retardation in Romanian Orphanages, Journal of Neurodevelopment, October, 2009
- Himes, Johnson, Federici, Zeanah, et al ( Romanian Adoption Project), Growth and Sexual Maturation In Romanian Orphanages. Journal of pediatrics and Neurology, September, 2009
- Hochsberger, Federici, Rutter, Netherland Adoption Project, et al Five (5) International Articles of International Adoptions, Growth Failure, Trauma, Attachment and Family Therapy ( Publications in Netherland Journals of Pediatrics and Child development in Dutch, 2002-2006
- Johnson, Aaronson, Federici, Pearl, Sbordone, Zeana, et.al. Growth Parameters Help Predict Neurologic Competence in Profoundly Deprived Institutionalized Children in Romania (Article in Press), Society for Pediatric Research, December 1998
- Johnson, Aaronson, Federici, Faber, Tartaglia, Georgieff, Windsor and Daunauer, et.al. Profound, Global Growth Failure Afflicts Residents of Pediatric Neuropsychiatric Institutes in Romania, (Article in Press), Society for Pediatric Research, December 1998
- Pearl, Johnson, Federici, Tartaglia, Gaillard, Lavenstein, McClintock, Conry and Weinstein, et.al. Neurological and Medical Evaluation of Institutionalized Children in Romanian Orphanages, (Article in Press), Journal of Pediatric Neurology, February 1999
- Albers, L., Federici, R., Linville, D.; Learning and Behavioral Concerns of School Aged International Adoptees Referred for Neuropsychological Evaluation (Article in Press)
- Mason, P., Federici, R., Johnson, D., Albers, L., Worthman, C., Gunnar, M.; Inova Fairfax Hospital for Children, Care for Children International, University of Minnesota, Harvard University, Emory University/ Institutional Short Stature: The Impact of Stress on Growth in the Internationally Adopted Child.
- Johnson, D.; Federici, R.; Tabacaru, C.; and Care for Children International Health Team: International Adoption Clinic, University of Minnesota. Incidence of Hepatitis B and C and HIV In Older Children and Adolescents Institutionalized Since Birth (Article in Press-Pediatric Research)
- Johnson, D.; Federici, R.; Tabacaru, C.; and Care for Children International Health Team: International Adoption Clinic, University of Minnesota. Pre and Post-Pubertal Growth In Profoundly Deprived Institutionalized Children (Article in Press-Pediatric Research)
- Mason, P.; Johnson, D.; Federici, R.; Bledsoe, J.; Albers, L.; Neuroendocrinological Stress Factors in the Post-Institutionalized Child (Article in Press-Pediatric Research)
- Johnson, Aronson, Federici, Pearl, Sbordone, Zeanah, et.al. Growth Parameters Help Predict Neurologic Competence in Profoundly Deprived Institutionalized Children in Romania (Article in Press), Society for Pediatric Research, December 1998
- Johnson, Aronson, Federici, Faber, Tartaglia, Georgieff, Windsor and Daunauer, et.al. Profound, Global Growth Failure Afflicts Residents of Pediatric Neuropsychiatric Institutes in Romania, (Article in Press), Society for Pediatric Research, December 1998
- Pearl, Johnson, Federici, Tartaglia, Gaillard, Lavenstein, McClintock, Conry and Weinstein, et.al. Neurological and Medical Evaluation of Institutionalized Children in Romanian Orphanages, (Article in Press), Journal of Pediatric Neurology, February 1999
- Raising the Post-Institutionalized Child (with C. Zeanah, M.D., Journal of Pediatrics)
- Neuroimaging and Neuropsychological Deficit Patterns in Children from Post-Institutionalized Settings (with Harry Chugani, M.D., Children’s Hospital, Detroit, Michigan)
- Institutional Autism: An Acquired Syndrome, The POST, May 1997
Neuropsychological Evaluation of the Post-Institutionalized Child: Assessment and Innovative Treatment (Paper presented at the Stockholm conference on children in institutions, May 1999; The POST October 1999) - Atypical Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders – Neuropsychological Assessment and Comprehensive Medication and Therapy Management, CHAAD Newsletter, June 1994
- Kaufman, R.; Federici, R. et al: “Body Image Fantasies of Epileptics” Journal of Psychiatry and Neurology, 1981
- Rostafinski, T.; Ancuta, G.; Federici, R. “Hysterical Conversion Disorder in a Correctional Setting: A Case of Functional Paraplegia. (Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1994).
- Neuroimaging and Neuropsychological Deficit Patterns in Children from Post-Institutionalized Settings
- Neuropsychological Evaluation of the Post-Institutionalized Child: Assessment and Innovative Treatment ; The Post, May 1999 (Paper presented at the Stockholm conference on children in institutions, May 1999)
- Evaluation and Treatment of the Post Institutionalized Child; The Post, 2001
- Atypical Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders – Neuropsychological Assessment and Comprehensive Medication and Therapy Management, CHAAD Newsletter, June 1994
- Assessing Long Term Cognitive and Neuropsychiatric Disabilities in the Post-Institutionalized Child; Journal of Child and Family Development, Spring, 2008
- Multiple articles written for Multiple national newspapers, Newsweek, Time, New York Times, Washingtonian Magazine, Chicago Tribune, People Magazine and Womans Day magazines
- Articles written for Washington Post newspaper on Child and Adolescent disorders – several in 1995.
- “Body Image Fantasies of Epileptics” with Richard Kaufman, M.D., Child Psychiatry Division, University of Chicago. Journal of Psychiatry and Neurology.
- Research Assistant in studies measuring competitiveness, hostility and impatience in patients with metabolic and/or cardiac disorders. Jack Arbit, Ph.D., Director of Neuropsychological Testing, Northwestern University Medical Center.
- Submitted article entitled “Hysterical Conversion Disorder in a Correctional Setting: A Case of Functional Paraplegia.
- Romanian Department of State, Division of Child Protective Services
(Honorary Member of Romanian Department of Child Welfare-Bucharest, Romania) - US Department of State-Bureau of Children’s Affairs
- Honorary Member-Russian Adoption Committee ( Moscow )
- Parent Network for the Post-Institutionalized Child (professional member)
- ABC News: Dateline; expert in bonding and attachment disorders for internationally adopted children
- ABC News: Nightline; expert in internationally adopted children from Eastern-Bloc countries (July 1997)
- ABC News: Turning Point; expert consultant for children from Eastern-Bloc institutions/international adoptions (January 1997)
- HBO – Consultant in Developmental Psychology
- Washington Post Newspaper, Expert in Child Psychology
- Parent Network for the Post-Institutionalized Child (PNPIC)
- Friends of Russian and Ukrainian Adoptions (FRUA)
- Romanian Challenge Appeal C.H.A.D.D. (Children with Attention Deficit Disorders)
- Ft Belvoir, VA – DeWitt Army Hospital, Departments of Psychiatry, Neurology and Pediatrics Naval Medical Clinic, Quantico, Virginia
- Walter Reed Army Medical Hospital – Department of Child Psychiatry
- Andrews Air Force Base – Malcolm Grow Medical Center
- Prince William County Attention Deficit Disorder Groups (CHADD)
- Court Ordered Special Advocate Program for Abused Children (CASA) (Fairfax and Alexandria)
- Virginia State CASA Board, Professional Member County of Fairfax – Departments of Social and Child Protective Services
- Fairfax County Public Schools
- Alexandria Juvenile Delinquency Task Force
- City of Alexandria – Youth Services Commission (City Council)
- City of Alexandria – Division of Mental Retardation
- Northern Virginia Youth Services Coalition
- Prince William County Youth Services Loudoun County Public Schools
- INOVA-Fairfax Hospital International Adoption Clinic
- Care for Children International, Inc. (501-3C, Non-Profit), President/CEO
- Ireland Department of Social Services and International Adoptions
- Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Consultant for International Child
- British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
- ABC News: Dateline; expert in bonding and attachment disorders for internationally adopted children
- ABC News: Nightline; expert in internationally adopted children from Eastern-Bloc countries (July 1997)
- ABC News: Turning Point; expert consultant for children from Eastern-Bloc institutions/international adoptions (January 1997)
- Washington Post Newspaper, Expert in Child Psychology
- New York Times consultant in Child Neuropsychology (multiple articles)
Ronald Federici, Psy. D., has been involved in extensive lobbying efforts on Capital Hill to improve the policies and procedures for international adoptions, and also offered expert professional testimony on October 5, 1999 to Senator Jesse Helms and the Senate Foreign Relations Committee regarding the problems in international adoptions and issues with the Hague Treaty. Additionally, Ronald Federici has lobbied extensively to preserve the integrity and responsibility of USAID spending in Romania, and has provided multiple reports to USAID, Washington regarding Romanian child welfare reform, programs, funding and opinions regarding distribution of foreign aid.
Ronald Federici continues to work aggressively to secure private funding and USAID funding for Romanian-specific child welfare reform programs and has completed an extensive “proposal” which is aimed at country-wide institutional reform.