About Us

Psychologist Services in Northern VA

And in-home services throughout the United States and abroad.

Board Certified Dr. Ronald Federici and his staff maintain an international reputation with psychologist services and treatment of the most complicated neuropsychological, developmental, and brain traumatic disorders.


Psychologist Services in Northern VA

And in-home services throughout the United States and abroad.


Board Certified Dr. Ronald Federici and his staff maintain an international reputation with psychologist services and treatment of the most complicated neuropsychological, developmental, and brain traumatic disorders.

Individuals and families from across the United States and abroad come to our specialty clinic for first, second and third opinions for answers and treatment recommendations no one else has been able to provide. Virtually all of our children and families have felt overwhelmed and unable to understand the special needs of their children or their own diagnoses. All of us in the practice are experts with decades of experience in complex neurodevelopmental evaluations and comprehensive family treatment. Our work has been featured on national television (Dateline NBC: Saving Dane, Saving a Family”), with our clinicians forming a “multi-discipline treatment team”.

We are proud of our reputation and take on the most difficult cases, particularly internationally adopted children. We also have a division in our clinic which handles domestic adoptions, abuse and neglect, and general child developmental psychology.

Reach out to Dr. Federici & staff

3 + 8 =

© Dr Federici 2015


Appointments & Scheduling

For appointment availability, scheduling and fees, contact us at

13310 Compton Rd
Willow Springs Farm
Clifton, VA 20124

830-6052, FAX: (703) 830-6054,
[email protected] and FACEBOOK

Care For Children International, Inc.,
under the Directorship of Board Certified Dr. Ronald Federici, maintains an international reputation with psychologist services and treatment of the most complicated neuropsychological, developmental and brain traumatic disorders.